What comes up again and again in my work with clients and on my own spiritual journey is the need for less answers and more questions, less information and more inspiration, less talking and more listening.
Our journey towards healing and wholeness often begins with an inner pull, a call to awaken, a sacred question that provides an island of relief where self-reflection and self-respect can blossom. Who am I? What is my purpose? How can I serve? As we ask these spiritual questions, as we wonder, as we listen inwardly for what our hearts have to say, we find truth. And, with that truth, comes healing. Maybe we find answers. Maybe we don’t. Maybe we don’t seek answers at all. Maybe we simply keep asking the questions and one day we might, as Rilke says, "live along some distant day into the answer". Every week in my practice, I share sacred questions for self-reflection with the community of brave and courageous souls I am blessed to work with in my coaching and counselling clinic. Here are some we’ve been working on recently. I hope they help you on your journey too. If my body could speak, what would it say? Where am I still at war with myself? What's more important to me — outer perfection or inner peace? ॐ
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