Meditation Practice
Keep your practice the same as last week. Focus on being consistent and noticing how your practice will change from day to day. Some days it will feel easy and your mind will be calm and on other days your back will hurt and your mind will be busy and you’ll want to give up half-way through — and that’s OK. Let all these experiences teach you.
Monday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Tuesday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Wednesday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Thursday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Friday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Saturday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Sunday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 18 minutes Body Awareness + 5 minutes Loving-Kindness
Monday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Tuesday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Wednesday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Thursday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Friday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Saturday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 15 minutes Body Awareness — Sitting of Strong Determination
Sunday — 5 minutes Breath Awareness + 18 minutes Body Awareness + 5 minutes Loving-Kindness
Mindful Living Practice — Act on Every Impulse to Give
We live in a world where wealth is measured by money. But what if wealth is less about how much we have and more about how much we can give? The society we live in is one of scarcity — scarcity of time, scarcity of money, scarcity of love… And we end up feeling like we have to continually chase security and hoard what we have ‘just in case’.
But, when we stop and reflect, many of our actions that are driven by scarcity are not in line with our values or the type of people we want to be.
A couple of years ago, I started realising there is a different way to work and live and do business — one that is driven by making a difference instead of making money. Of course, we each have to earn enough to look after ourselves and our families, but, after that, what would happen is we acted from place of love and enough-ness instead of fear and lack?
The reality is, although acting from a place of love fills us with deep joy and meaning, when we act from a place of love, we don’t usually end up getting richer. And this means that money often prevents us from giving time and energy to work and actions inspired by love because they don’t seem practical or rational, or your family and friends may think it’s weird.
But you can start small and see the kind of joy acting from love brings to your life. This week focus on acting on every impulse to give — it doesn’t have to money, it could be time or help or kindness. If you pay attention, you’ll probably notice the impulse to give arises pretty often — because it is innate within all of us, and then a little voice in your head might come in and fill your mind with lack, warning you that you haven’t got enough time, money, skills… And so you do nothing.
Before that little voice has chance to chime in with its fear-based thoughts, act from a place of love and give — a few pounds to the street singer, a couple of hours to help your elderly neighbour with the gardening, a new book to your partner who is getting back into reading after years hating books… It doesn’t have to be big — not act of kindness is too small.
But, when we stop and reflect, many of our actions that are driven by scarcity are not in line with our values or the type of people we want to be.
A couple of years ago, I started realising there is a different way to work and live and do business — one that is driven by making a difference instead of making money. Of course, we each have to earn enough to look after ourselves and our families, but, after that, what would happen is we acted from place of love and enough-ness instead of fear and lack?
The reality is, although acting from a place of love fills us with deep joy and meaning, when we act from a place of love, we don’t usually end up getting richer. And this means that money often prevents us from giving time and energy to work and actions inspired by love because they don’t seem practical or rational, or your family and friends may think it’s weird.
But you can start small and see the kind of joy acting from love brings to your life. This week focus on acting on every impulse to give — it doesn’t have to money, it could be time or help or kindness. If you pay attention, you’ll probably notice the impulse to give arises pretty often — because it is innate within all of us, and then a little voice in your head might come in and fill your mind with lack, warning you that you haven’t got enough time, money, skills… And so you do nothing.
Before that little voice has chance to chime in with its fear-based thoughts, act from a place of love and give — a few pounds to the street singer, a couple of hours to help your elderly neighbour with the gardening, a new book to your partner who is getting back into reading after years hating books… It doesn’t have to be big — not act of kindness is too small.
If you can, see if you can keep up the mindful living practices from the last few weeks too. If you need a reminder, I’ve popped them below.
Week 1 -- Don’t Scratch the Itch
Week 2 — Non-Harm
Week 3 — Non-Stealing
Week 4 — Speak Only Kindness
Week 5 — Take a Break From Intoxicants
Week 6 — Conscious Relationships
Week 7 — R.A.I.N
Week 8 — Send Happiness
Week 9 — Let Someone Else Be Right
Week 10 — Wash Up
Week 11 — Play
Week 12 -- Practise the Pause
Week 13 — Practise Intentional Meandering
Week 14 — Take a Break From Social Media
Week 15 — Practise Urge Surfing
Week 16 — Practise C.O.A.L.
Week 17 — Practise Gratitude
Week 18 -- Practise Thought Catching
Week 1 -- Don’t Scratch the Itch
Week 2 — Non-Harm
Week 3 — Non-Stealing
Week 4 — Speak Only Kindness
Week 5 — Take a Break From Intoxicants
Week 6 — Conscious Relationships
Week 7 — R.A.I.N
Week 8 — Send Happiness
Week 9 — Let Someone Else Be Right
Week 10 — Wash Up
Week 11 — Play
Week 12 -- Practise the Pause
Week 13 — Practise Intentional Meandering
Week 14 — Take a Break From Social Media
Week 15 — Practise Urge Surfing
Week 16 — Practise C.O.A.L.
Week 17 — Practise Gratitude
Week 18 -- Practise Thought Catching